Had the same problem. Couldn't play at all because the game kept shutting down and I got the "couldn't allocate IP"-message. I also have COMODO, so I think that's the issue. I think COMODO tries to isolate the program, and doesn't allow it to connect properly. Because when I did what Mataur did, and put "-dev" I got the pop-up that COMODO was trying to isolate it, so I pressed "don't isolate again", restarted, and it worked.
kikkio ha scritto:conan ti conosco da poco e lui per niente ma non ho mai sentito parlare nessuno più di te
Elpube ha scritto:[...] gente che commenta a sproposito e puntualmente si lamenta de "eh gli sparo un caricatore e lui non muore si gira e mi ammazza, perchè ?" PERCHE SEI COSI' PIPPA CHE MANCO TE NE RENDI CONTO ZIO CAN ! [...]
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