International Guests - How to challenge us...

For friendly or official matches, write here.

Moderatori: CRAZYCOW, Roy86ita

International Guests - How to challenge us...

Messaggiodi CRAZYCOW inviato martedì 2 novembre 2010, 21:36

Welcome on our forum!
This is the place where you can challenge us or request alliance for ClanWars or other events.
In order to do this, please, follow these simple rules:

    - Explain into the topic title for which game you are challenging us, as the following example:
    [Arma2] or [PR] - Clan XXX challenge you!

    - For a better and quicker answer, always let us your contacts (msn, xfire, skype) and your clan forum url

    - Be patient and wait for our answer :asd:

Thanks to all!
Avatar utente
Clan Leader
Clan Leader
Messaggi: 3449
Iscritto il: mercoledì 2 gennaio 2008, 21:05
Località: Guidonia (RM)
Record: 1
Gioco preferito: Arma II
Ruolo in-game: OfficerIPilotILAT
Xfire: eicrazycow

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