Project Reality:Arma2 Mod!!!

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Moderatori: CRAZYCOW, Rossodentro85

Project Reality:Arma2 Mod!!!

Messaggiodi Stek_WAR inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 14:52

incredibile! hanno appena aperto la sezione apposita sul forum di realitymod! :o

The award-winning Project Reality Studios team are proud to announce that the official first release of v0.1 of the Project Reality ArmA2 Mini-Mod will be coming very soon. Although we are now moving into the Beta Testing stage, we think the time is right to inform the community of what will be coming to you very shortly. Project Reality will enter the ArmA2 battlefield for the first time!
Our main aim for PR:ArmA2 is:

"To create a realistic and immersive modification for ArmA2, which focuses on encouraging teamwork through gameplay"

As with Project Reality's original conception on the Refractor 2 engine, at this stage PR:ArmA2 should be classed as a Mini-Mod; we have to start somewhere! Don't be fooled though, this release will by no means disappoint, due to the large number of high quality art assets already created by the Project Reality Team, and the considerable experience of the PR:ArmA2 Development Team on the Real Virtuality 3 engine!

We are now happy to announce that PR:ArmA2 is at Beta Stage, and as we are sure you can understand, due to the gameplay changes implemented, this is a very important part we need to get right. We plan on releasing PR:ArmA2 v0.1 in the near future. Please be patient with us and keep an eye on the newly added PR:ArmA2 Forums, as well as keeping up to date with the latest Project Reality news for future developments on a concrete release timeframe.

With the creative talents and realism-based goals of the current contributors already in place, this will surely develop into a great ArmA2 mod; so expect a lot more to follow in the future. As always, the Project Reality Studios team would like to thank all those who make our developments possible; in this case the supporting ArmA2 mod sites, server providers, and of course our dedicated community for all their continued support. Without your combined efforts and contributions, Project Reality would not be where it is today and certainly would not be expanding into the ArmA2 arena. See you on the new battlefield soon!

-The Project Reality Team

PR:ArmA2 will exist as a standalone modification. It will remain self contained, self developing and not rely on or use externally held add ons from other sources where at all possible. What that means to the player is that it will be a 'one stop shop' as an installation package, with no requirement for additional multiple add on packs.

We also want to emphasis we are not in direct competition with any of the other great mods out there. However as a team we want to see what we can now do with the Real Virtuality 3 engine, as well as the continued full scale continued development of PR for Battlefield2. We are not in any way changing engines. We have simply expanded the team's reach into ArmA2 with new developers. It is not PR2, nor are we ceasing PR:BF2 development.

-Official Project Reality ArmA2 Mini-Mod v0.1 Release Trailer
Project Reality Studios has created the following trailer to showcase many of the features you will find in the PR:ArmA2 v0.1 release. So, dim the lights, grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show!
YouTube Video

-From concept to creation
The original concept came from [R-DEV]UK_Force over 9 months ago; the aim was to create a modification of ArmA2 in line with the Project Reality vision, bringing PR-style gameplay to the Real Virtuality 3 engine. This project has finally overcome the first hurdle towards becoming a reality with its first release, due soon. The team has drawn on some of the finest ArmA2 modders and developers, and following their amalgamation production, started in earnest with work going on behind the scenes to make this happen before official announcement.

It now gives us great pleasure to officially welcome the personalities resposible for PR:ArmA2 into the Project Reality development team. In doing so, we would like to take this moment to thank them for their hard work over the last few months. We are very proud to officially welcome [R-DEV]StalkerGB, [R-DEV]DeanosBeano, [R-DEV]Dr_Eyeball and [R-DEV]trini_scourge as the newest additions to the Project Reality Development Team!

Mirroring Project Reality's original goal, the British Army are featured strongly in this initial release, with a Taliban opposition all set on a beautiful Afghanistan-themed map, created by [R-DEV]DeanosBeano.

The advantages of using a more modern graphical environment really shows off the original PR art assets to their full potential - you'll look at the Scimitar, Challenger and all the others in a whole new light! [R-DEV]StalkerGB has put in many hours working on the infantry models and his work can be seen in all its glory. Ever up-to-date, we even bring you the new British MTP (Multi Terrain Pattern) uniforms announced by the Ministry of Defence last month!

As you would expect from any Project Reality development, gameplay improvements will feature strongly. These will take some time to get to where we want, however there have already been changes made to reflect PR-style gameplay, courtesy of [R-DEV]Dr_Eyeball, who has brought over his Devastation Mod to the project. This will form the basis of PR:ArmA2 gameplay.
Ultima modifica di Stek_WAR: venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 16:27; modificato 2 volte in totale.
"la neve la fa sempre fatto...e adesso si è finito il mondo picchè ca' fatt la nev. Chi ci ni endr lu cummun chi ci ni endr; quest è la questione che depende dalla natura...ha fatt la neve: oddio! oddio! nin mbutem shi, addu ita i? shteteve alla cas'....!!!"
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Iscritto il: venerdì 11 aprile 2008, 10:04
Località: Provincia di Chieti
Record: 18
Gioco preferito: Project Reality ARMA II
Xfire: 85stek

Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1

Messaggiodi CRAZYCOW inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 15:09

Se è vero... no, non può essere vero...
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Xfire: eicrazycow

Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1

Messaggiodi HenryGale77 inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 16:02

I want to believe!
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Iscritto il: lunedì 27 aprile 2009, 19:39
Località: Capri (NA)
Gioco preferito: BF2, BF2-PR, Arma II
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Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1

Messaggiodi JooLLy inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 16:03 sento male!!!
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Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1

Messaggiodi Stek_WAR inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 16:17

CRAZYCOW ha scritto:Se è vero... no, non può essere vero...

ebbene si, quando ho appreso la notizia su facebook a malapena ci ho creduto, ma dopo aver visto la sezione su, ora mi sono quasi totalmente convinto.

Ma non escludo il classico pesce d'aprile che si sta comunque avvicinando! :mumble:
"la neve la fa sempre fatto...e adesso si è finito il mondo picchè ca' fatt la nev. Chi ci ni endr lu cummun chi ci ni endr; quest è la questione che depende dalla natura...ha fatt la neve: oddio! oddio! nin mbutem shi, addu ita i? shteteve alla cas'....!!!"
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Veterano ArmA 2
Veterano ArmA 2
Messaggi: 1912
Iscritto il: venerdì 11 aprile 2008, 10:04
Località: Provincia di Chieti
Record: 18
Gioco preferito: Project Reality ARMA II
Xfire: 85stek

Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1

Messaggiodi HenryGale77 inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 16:26

non credo sia un pesce d'aprile, insomma non ha senso farlo di 13 marzo...

Cmq secondo me se creano delle mappe grandicelle, ma non sconfinate come quelle di adesso in arma, e riescono a veicolare bene il gameplay suddividendo nettamente le classi, e non che ognuno si prende quello che gli pare come ora in arma II, beh allora potrebbero fare il colpaccio, xchè l'engine di Arma non è male, pesantuccio si, ma ha delle potenzialità indiscutibili...
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Membro [EI] inattivo
Membro [EI] inattivo
Messaggi: 221
Iscritto il: lunedì 27 aprile 2009, 19:39
Località: Capri (NA)
Gioco preferito: BF2, BF2-PR, Arma II
Xfire: henrygale77

Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1 (non adatto ai deboli di cuore)

Messaggiodi ros inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 16:49

mi tocca comprare ArmA2 porca zozza :sospiro:

Rimane comunque il fatto che ArmA2 secondo me è troppo macchinoso (intendo movimenti, tasti, etc..), se a questo gli si aggiungono le meccaniche di PR.. mah... vediamo cosa faranno! :rulez:
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Iscritto il: domenica 16 dicembre 2007, 17:14
Località: Padova
Record: 1
Gioco preferito: Project Reality BF2 Mod
Xfire: ros86

Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1 (non adatto ai deboli di cuore)

Messaggiodi CRAZYCOW inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 17:11

Ieri vedevo dei video di Arma2, uno in particolare fatto con la mod della mappa saharani, immaginatevi tipo una kashan ma con la grafica di arma2 e molti più elementi urbani per la fanteria, e ho pensato a PR.... speriamo bene...

PS: Ros, ma senza averci giocato, ti fa cosi tanto schifo arma2? :lol:
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Iscritto il: mercoledì 2 gennaio 2008, 21:05
Località: Guidonia (RM)
Record: 1
Gioco preferito: Arma II
Ruolo in-game: OfficerIPilotILAT
Xfire: eicrazycow

Re: PR: ArmA2 v0.1 (non adatto ai deboli di cuore)

Messaggiodi ros inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 17:27

CRAZYCOW ha scritto:PS: Ros, ma senza averci giocato, ti fa cosi tanto schifo arma2? :lol:

Io ho giocato ad arma (1)
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Iscritto il: domenica 16 dicembre 2007, 17:14
Località: Padova
Record: 1
Gioco preferito: Project Reality BF2 Mod
Xfire: ros86

Project Reality Mini Mod

Messaggiodi [MPT]Francesco inviato venerdì 12 marzo 2010, 17:42

Ma questo l'avevate visto? :D ... arma2.html

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Iscritto il: lunedì 8 settembre 2008, 19:56
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