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Dr4v:They are coming yes. They wont be here by the end of the year, but they are progressing......Bigger problem for the team is getting the maps running fast enough from overhead, but we are getting there. As soon as we have something decent to show, you guys will see it!
KaB: Shotguns are already in the game, but the current code doesn't allow us to make single round reloads. We're just using fake reload dry and mag switch states for them atm, exactly like for the SKS. Single round reloads shouldn't be hard to make, but there's just too much stuff going on right now that we just can't focus on them yet, so I would safely not expect them to be in v10.
Comandante alla RS:Vietnam , molto bene. Bene anche la rinuncia, per ora, a gli aerei. Tutte le volte che viene cambiato il modello di fuoco tremo.
SgtRoss:An overall VOIP upgrade is something we would like to do, but other priorities are taking up our time at the moment.We do hope that we will get an opportunity to make improvements before 1.0.Either way, thanks for the feedback and it is on our radar. (Actually technical documentation related to this, just need to get around to doing it)