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koschilein Posted 3 hours ago (edited)I just wanted to share some information about alpha 8 @Norbyshared with us in a stream with the German PC gaming magazine Gamestar last weekend. Features that should make it into alpha 8(the ones I can remember), the stream was about 4 hours and Norby answered A LOT of questions: Stryker and the first implementation of tracked vehiclescomplete rework of the UISL Markers attached to Compass confirmed (I think they where confirmed for alpha THX @runningDuck!!!!! FIRETEAMS!!!!! (I think this is a new one that has not yet been confirmed for alpha 8 before)and of course performance. He also talked a lot of other features but those are the ones I remember for alpha 8 Features he also talked about that are still on their mind but I have not heard the dev´s talk about in quit a bit of time(not for alpha :TrueSky implementationFree look ( @SgtRossalso confirmed it again in a reddit post a few day´s ago, just cant find it at the moment)Dragging downed teamates (thanks @Xx-RAGING-DEATH-xX)Epi pens for the medicPR Style Logistic System using Crates planned thanks @runningDuck
RoyAwesome: "Audio decompression is one of the top 3 performance problems in the game right now. It'll help everyone"guemi: "Whats the other 2? Just curious"RoyAwesome: "Inventory Replication and Animations"
conan ti conosco da poco e lui per niente ma non ho mai sentito parlare nessuno più di te
[...] gente che commenta a sproposito e puntualmente si lamenta de "eh gli sparo un caricatore e lui non muore si gira e mi ammazza, perchè ?" PERCHE SEI COSI' PIPPA CHE MANCO TE NE RENDI CONTO ZIO CAN ! [...]
bello l'humvee