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Hey everyone good to see a healthy discussion on game mechanics here. Just want to remind everyone to keep things respectful and to not get personal. I understand that with these kinds of topics it's easy to get worked up and passionate as it lays at what the heart of what makes Squad truly unique. So I encourage more discussion, just be mindful of what you write! B17 has a small change, with a slightly longer "minimum wait period" for Rally wave spawns, up from 20 seconds to 30 seconds. This is not a huge change, but it's part of encouraging players to move together and fight in proximity based cohesion with their squad members and team members. I agree with some comments about the risk / reward incentive with regards to operating within proximity to your squad / team often feels inconsistent with the goals of Squad. Here's my own personal thoughts on that: Currently there is still alot of reward for seperating off from your squad, with each individual player moving off into different angles on their own terms with little comms. That is a natural tendency of players as it requires the least amount of comms or coordination - see bad guy or hear bad guy shooting, start heading that direction. Keeping squad members together, communicating and building trust that each member will cover an angle, each squad member having a job and communicating their intent, calling out enemy contacts, suppression and fire and manuver tactics - this all requires far more coordination and communication, but it' is often just not rewarded currently.Splitting off and moving indepenndently is frequently more beneficial to working within local VoIP proximity to your squad/team mates.Squads should be incentivized to utilize that coordination and comms, to use those 5-15 meter spacing intervals, call out targets and engage the enemy as a coordinated unit.We Should Not be adding any additional incentivizes or rewards for Squads that spread out 50m-150m+, engaging enemy on their own terms, acting autonomously, only calling out targets after they have died, and having a "Me first" approach - this is the "status quo" of players and these types of Squads will always exist - but we don't need or want to incentivize that style of play.That's just my own personal belief's, I'm sure others in the playerbase and even on the dev team have a different take on it. To give an update on future plans, the update following b17 will address the Buddy Rally. The plan is to remove BR from all factions except Insurgents (in lieu of a more intuitive tunnel system for INS that will hopefully come at a later time).We also plan in the same update to address the "abandoned vehicles in the field" problem with a vehicle cleanup system, that is quite lenient but will mean vehicles that get abandoned in the field for a long time that are not next to a friendly FOB or RP, will eventually burn up. This is part of why BR was added in the first place, to decrease the chances of an entire team having to walk from Main because they got all their vehicles stuck in the field. I agree that BR is a half measure / band aid mechanic, that rewards fast pace and actually rewards players dying frequently, something I'm firmly against - we should be rewarding players for striving towards that "0 death round" much more than rewarding players for hastily rushing into action over and over again with no plans , tactics or communication. The types of players that want to rush into action with no plan of action will always exist, but we don't need to give them any extra incentive there to do it. Another thing we will be doing in the future, is rebalancinging the "Ticket economy", to make individual infantry lives a little more valuable. Currently alot of tickets are taken from objectives, which incentivizes their capture "At All Costs". We do want to encourage players to value their life a little more, and although this will likely be a subtle change and take a while to adopt into the standard community, it's something we are looking at. Beyond that there is a bunch of stuff planned to help address things brought up in this thread. Just want to reassure you guys we are not "moving the game closer to COD". I agree the A13 changes were too drastic, and so we have taken that feedback and will not be making drastic changes in the future, but rather incremental steps, and these steps are towards rewarding more teamwork coordination and communcation using tactics and strategy to best your opponent. We want to continue adding depth to the strategic and tactical part of Squad, while also continuing to work on new player experience and making the onboarding period for new players as intuitive and natural as possible. We want to continue making a game that attracts players looking for a tactical combined arms experience that rewards communication and coordination with their squad and team.
"Another thing we will be doing in the future, is rebalancinging the "Ticket economy", to make individual infantry lives a little more valuable. Currently alot of tickets are taken from objectives, which incentivizes their capture "At All Costs". We do want to encourage players to value their life a little more, and although this will likely be a subtle change and take a while to adopt into the standard community, it's something we are looking at."Questa frase racchiude esattamente il perchè Squad sia un progetto in fase di fallimento, perché manca di comprensione su come funzioni il mondo dei videogiochi. Lui dice: beh semplice, se io aumento il costo dei ticket per le morti, i giocatori staranno più attenti nel fare giveup! Sapete che succederà? Che semplicemente i giocatori lo faranno lo stesso, perché gli è consentito di farlo, ci sarà il solito mattatoio nei pressi delle flag e le partite semplicemente dureranno di meno. A quel punto immagino che diranno: beh le partite durano poco, aumentiamo i ticket! E si ricomincierà da capo. Mi ci gioco gli zebedei.Quello che non capiscono è che se vuoi una filosofia di gioco, la devi imporre. Vuoi che la gente non giri per la mappa a cazzo o che non faccia give-up di continuo? Semplice, impediscilo! Tu fai un give-up? Respawni dopo 30 secondi. Muori di nuovo nel giro di 5 minuti? Respawni dopo 3 minuti. Muori una terza volta a 10 minuti dalla prima morte? Respawni dopo 6 minuti. E così via. Stai pilotando un elicottero e ti schianti? TU respawni dopo 8 minuti, non l'elicottero.
For B17 we have increased the minimum wait time to deploy on a Rallypoint spawn wave. In A16 20 seconds meant spawning at a Rallypoint could give a player the lowest respawn time possible, lower than Main Base (30 seconds) or HAB (45 seconds). We felt that this opportunity to get the lowest spawn time was promoting players to immediately Give Up and take their chances at their Rallypoint, rather than waiting a little longer for a revive. We will monitor the effects of this increased minimum wait time. The intended effect is to encourage players to wait for a revive more often, and to fight in a closer proximity to their squad/team mates, so that they are in a better position to get revived when they get Incapaciated.A 30 second minimum wait time on a Rallypoint wave spawn now means, if a player is unlucky to die when the RP wave is at 29 seconds, they will have to wait up to 89 seconds to spawn with the next RP wave. We think that this will be acceptable in practice, as the time a player waits in the Incapacitated state, is counted towards that timer, so this potential longer wait time would affect the players that frequently give up (And also when a player is killed outright).