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NorbyTheDevI think its time to reveal the secret of the flipping vegetation in exchange for some karma.Most objects in the world of Squad have two different types of collision. A complex one used mostly for projectiles and a simplifies one for moving vehicles and soldiers. The simplified ones exist to reduce the cost of physics calculations on the CPU.After a lot of research I found a bug in the engine causing the vehicle wheels to interact with the complex collisions instead of the simplified ones, while the rest of the vehicles was still using simplified ones. This can cause PhysX to apply inappropriate forces on the wheel. Squad uses the NVidia gameworks vehicle component which is part pf PhysX.On certain forms of vegetation the difference between complex and simplified collisions is quite significant so they are more likely to cause issues.
NorbyTheDevProducer Oh. That part I forgot to tell you. It's already fixed for 9.5 thanks to Epic and Kory.
Not in vanilla Arma but there as mods that simulate having to flick loads of switches etc. If you get to play RS2 then I think that will be roughly how our rotary wing flight model will be like.
G'day guys,Do any of you know if Squad will be having a steam sale any time soon? I was thinking more about the influx of people that would fill up some of those dead servers in my area.Cheers Fellas
IronTaxi 9 ore fa My Spidey sense tells me the servers won't be lonely long
sarebbe bello se venisse fatto qualcosa di simile anche per l'E.I.
conan ti conosco da poco e lui per niente ma non ho mai sentito parlare nessuno più di te
[...] gente che commenta a sproposito e puntualmente si lamenta de "eh gli sparo un caricatore e lui non muore si gira e mi ammazza, perchè ?" PERCHE SEI COSI' PIPPA CHE MANCO TE NE RENDI CONTO ZIO CAN ! [...]