News: Si può scegliere in autonomia il tema, ognuno può usare quello che è più di vostro gradimento
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conan ti conosco da poco e lui per niente ma non ho mai sentito parlare nessuno più di te
[...] gente che commenta a sproposito e puntualmente si lamenta de "eh gli sparo un caricatore e lui non muore si gira e mi ammazza, perchè ?" PERCHE SEI COSI' PIPPA CHE MANCO TE NE RENDI CONTO ZIO CAN ! [...]
We are now pushing a version 6.4 hotfix release, which contains: Full enablement of RCON, see Rcon.cfg in the server configs for more info. Increased construction points per second from 1 to 2. Changes to the smoke effect, it covers less area now. Optimization of and changes to the muzzle firing effects. The game's admin check now requires a user to have Kick permission and not just be in the admin list. Players with only reserved slot access are no longer going to see the team kill and suicide messages. Added new bullet hole decals and fixed missing decals on the sandbag physical material. Fixed changemap not working if the admin didn't have the pause match access level.
Changes to the smoke effect, it covers less area now.